Call for paper

Call for papers (click here to download in pdf)

Date and location of the study day:
Thursday November 28, 2024, place Chanzy in Niort (79,000).
Catholic University of the West - UCO Niort and Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University
Title of the study day:
Olfaction at the heart of humans, the place of feeling in the human and social sciences

Scientific issues of the study day

Research around olfaction is particularly developed in the so-called “hard” sciences. The Nobel Prize awarded in 20024 to Axel and Buck for their discovery of neuroolfactory receptors (Buck & Axel, 1991) marks an advance in hard sciences, in olfaction. More generally, these natural sciences and formal sciences contribute to a better knowledge of the sense of olfaction, its physiology (Klossek, 1998), and its neurological functioning (Minic et al. 2005; Holley , 2006, Trotier, et al., 2007; Salesse, 2012; Duchamp-Viret et al. 2012), its contribution to taste (Salesse & Gervais, 2012; Brondel, 2013; Lavialle, & Salesse, 2015), pathologies associated (Demarquay, 2017), its disorders (Bonfils, 2004), its technical applications such as headspace (Kaiser, 1997) or the analysis of the olfactory quality of the air (Jaubert, 2008). This flourishing research is difficult to define, there is no place here to make an exhaustive inventory. However, the natural sciences and formal sciences contribute greatly to the field.

On the other side of the epistemological spectrum, the human and social sciences provide a different perspective that occupies a less explored place. As proof, a search in Google scholar gives 122,000 results for the query “olfaction sciences” while it only gives 18,400 for “olfaction human sciences”. Academic journals specialized in this area do not exist.

However, research exists and raises heuristic questions on the complex nature of odors and the act of smelling: in philosophy (Jacquet, 2010), in anthropology (Candau, 2000a, 2000b), in the mother/child relationship (Schaal, et al., 1980; Marlier & Schaal, 1997), in questions of language (Rouby & Sicard, 1997; Schnedecker, 2011; Tamba, 2011; Theissen, 2011; Vassiliadou, & Lammert, 2011; Jaubert, 1990; Candau & Wathelet, 2011; Blumenthal, 2011; Kleiber, 2011a, 2011b; Sulmont-Rossé & Urdapilleta, 2012; Rinck, 2018; Jaubert, 2022), in olfactory design (Bonnard 2014; Baudequin (thesis in progress); in marketing (Krishna, Morrin & Sayin, 2014); in olfactory art (Jacquet, 2015; Barré, 2021); in art history (Muller, 2020); in history (Le Guéré, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006; Feydeau, 2019) , in marketing (Classen & Howes, 2003), in educational sciences (Duchesne & Jaubert, 1989, Alvarez, 2019; Cadiou, 2023).

Howes (2003) reminds us that we are at a turning point in the appreciation and place of smells. This ‘Sensual Turn,” is observed by these scientific advances, but also the success of Suskind’s novel, Perfume (1985), the magazine “Nez” or the massification of perfume sales points.

Content and areas of the study day

The scientific day that we are organizing is in this direction and therefore wishes to explore olfaction from the angle of human and social sciences. How do smells play a role in our lives? What uses, effects, thoughts, emotions, sublimations do they produce? How do they organize our lives? We wish to define and explore questions that smells raise with regard to our existence and our humanity.

We expect communications of varied nature and content from all disciplines in the human and social sciences.

It may involve research, experimentation, feedback which concerns the way in which subjects of varied status apprehend odors, whether they are teachers, trainers, educators, parents, learners, creators, artists, caregivers (...), in different contexts: family, school, association, commercial training, high school, university, catering, showroom, place of care, etc.

We seek to circumscribe the various issues that drive this object of odor research: what questions do odors raise, what tensions are we caught in when we smell or use odors? How do we feel and learn to feel? How do we appreciate this information that we receive, perceive and symbolize?


Axis n°1: olfaction in teaching, training, education

How are smells educated and taught depending on whether we live in a culture, a country, or an era? This axis examines various contexts: the family, the educational institution, the professional world linked to odors, from sales to industry including fine perfumery. And it aims to describe the foundations, the objectives, the stages, the means of this education, but also its difficulties, even its obstacles. This axis focuses on pedagogy and didactics in olfaction.


Axis 2: olfaction in gastronomy, oenology

In this dynamic are all the works that contribute to what “eating means”, considering that olfaction is an integral part of taste. It is a matter of perceiving what is hidden behind the aphorism of Brillat-Savarin (1865): “Tell me what you eat, I will tell you what you are” by plagiarizing it into “Tell me what you are”. feel and I will tell you who you are”. Gastronomic choices are questioned by the sociological, ethnological, economic focus…

The question of the transmission of olfaction in gastronomy and oenology is particularly welcome in this area.


Axis 3: olfaction in aesthetics

This axis is interested in the place of olfaction in the aesthetic and/or artistic domain. Whether it is fine perfumery, olfactory art, research-creation in olfaction, olfactory design, live shows linked to olfaction. We seek to report on productions of an aesthetic nature, artistic approaches linked to the olfactory experience. Gastronomy and oenology also have their place here.

Axis 4: olfaction in the human experience.

This axis is interested in the place of olfaction in human life, apart from questions of transmission of knowledge, gastronomy and aesthetics. He is interested in the ordinary life of individuals: habits, hygiene, functions... odors and smell, but also in the extraordinary: accidents, illness, the apprehension of novelty in terms olfactory. The anthropological, sociological, historical, philosophical, linguistic… entries allow us to question the place of odors in the lives of humans whatever their age, their environment, their gender, their physical state.

The list of areas cited is non-exhaustive and we look forward to being surprised…


Launch of the call for papers from January 2024.


Submission of the submission before April 30, 2024 on:


Provide: a title, 3 to 5 key words, a summary of 400 words, 5 references maximum, the chosen axis.


As part of a research, we invite you to present a classic sequence: introduction, theoretical and methodological framework, results and discussions, conclusion.

As part of feedback, you will specify the context, the olfactory issues and a discussion.


Return of the experts on June 30, 2024. The proposals will be evaluated double-blindly by the scientific committee.


Registration opens on September 1, 2024


Dominique Alvarez:

Sandra Cadiou:


Alvarez, D. (2019). Enseigner l’analyse sensorielle du vin, ressorts didactiques et déjà-là sensoriel de l’enseignant, études de cas en didactique clinique. [Thèse en sciences de l’éducation et de la formation., Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès].non publiée

Barré, S. (2021). L’odeur de l’art : Un panorama de l’art olfactif. La Lettre volée.

Blumenthal, P. (2011). Odeur – évolution des profils combinatoires. Langages181(1), 53‑71.

Bonfils, P., Malinvaud, D., Bozec, H., & Halimi, P. (2004, April). Les troubles de l’olfaction. In Annales d'Otolaryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale (Vol. 121, No. 2, pp. 67-74). Elsevier Masson.

Bonnard, E. (2014). Design olfactif: essence d'une voie de communication logographique (Doctoral dissertation, Saint-Etienne).

Brillat-Savarin, J. A. (1865). Physiologie du goût, ou Méditations de gastronomie transcendante ouvrage théorique, historique et à l'ordre du jour dédié aux gastronomes parisiens par Brillat-Savarin, avec une notice sur l'auteur. Charpentier.

Brondel, L., Jacquin, A., Meillon, S., & Pénicaud, L. (2013). Le goût: physiologie, rôles et dysfonctionnements. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme, 27(3), 123-133.

Buck, L., & Axel, R. (1991). A novel multigene family may encode odorant receptors : A molecular basis for odor recognition. Cell65 (1), 175‑187.

Cadiou, S. (20 juin 2023). « Teaching at the times of the « sensual turn » : the case of Pierre Bénard » Colloque : HEAD’23. 19, 20, 21, 22 juin 2023, Universitat Politècnica de València de Valencia, Espagne.

Candau, J. (2000a). Chapitre 5—Partager. In Mémoire et expériences olfactives (p. 111‑136). Presses Universitaires de France;

Candau, J. (2000b). Conclusion. In Mémoire et expériences olfactives (p. 137‑141). Presses Universitaires de France;

Candau, J., & Wathelet, O. (2011). Les catégories d’odeurs en sont-elles vraiment ? Langages181(1), 37‑52.

Classen, C., & Howes, D. (2003). L’arôme de la marchandise. La commercialisation de l’olfactif. Anthropologie et Sociétés18(3), 57‑74.

Demarquay, G., Ryvlin, P., & Royet, J. P. (2007). Olfaction et pathologies neurologiques: revue de la littérature. Revue Neurologique, 163(2), 155-167.

Duchamp-Viret, P., Rospars, J. P., Salesse, R., & Gervais, R. (2012). Codage de l’information par les neurones olfactifs. Odorat et goût. De la neurobiologie des sens chimiques aux applications. Versailles: Quæ, 93-108.

Duchesne, J., & Jaubert, J.-N. (1989). Découvrons les odeurs. Nathan.

Feydeau,  É. ( 2019), La Grande Histoire du parfum, Paris, Larousse, 2019.

Holley, A. (2006). Système olfactif et neurobiologie. Terrain. Anthropologie & sciences humaines, (47), 107-122.

Howes, D. (2003). Sensual relations : Engaging the senses in culture and social theory. University of Michigan Press.

Jaquet, C. (2010). Philosophie de l’odorat (1re ed). Presses universitaires de France.

Jacquet, C. ( 2015). L'art olfactif contemporain, Paris,Classiques Garnier.

Jaubert, J.-N. (1990). Des éléments de la construction de notre référentiel olfactif. Parfums, Cosmétiques, Arômes94.

Jaubert, J. N. (2008). Appréciation de l'émission odorante globale d'un site à sources multiples Exemple d'une unité de compostage. L'Eau, l'industrie, les nuisances, (317).

Jaubert, J.-N. (2022, novembre). Les bases du champs des odeurs. Nez en Herbe.

Kaiser, R. (1997), "Environmental Scents at the Ligurian Coast", Perfumer & Flavorist22: 7–18

Kleiber, G., & Vuillaume, M. (2011a). Pour une linguistique des odeurs : Présentation. Langages181.

Kleiber, G., & Vuillaume, M. (2011b). Sémantique des odeurs. Langages181(1), 17‑36.

Klossek, J. M. (1998). La physiologie naso-sinusienne. Revue française d'allergologie et d'immunologie clinique, 38(7), 579-583.

Krishna, A., Morrin, M., & Sayin, E. (2014). Smellizing Cookies and Salivating : A Focus on Olfactory Imagery. Journal of Consumer Research41(1), 18‑34.

Lavialle, M., & Salesse, R. (2015). Neurobiologie de la prise alimentaire. Neurobiologie de la prise alimentaire (2015).

Le Guérer, A. (2001) Sur les routes de l'encens, Éd. du Garde-Temps, 2001,

Le Guérer, A. (2002) Les pouvoirs de l'odeur ,Éditions Odile Jacob.

Le Guérer, A. ( 2005). Le parfum : des origines à nos jours,Éditions Odile Jacob.

Le Guérer, A.(2006) « Le parfum et la chair », Terrain [En ligne], 47 | 2006, mis en ligne le 15 mars 2010, consulté le 18 décembre 2023. URL : ; DOI :

Marlier, L., & Schaal, B. (1997). Familiarité et discrimination olfactive chez le nouveau-né: influence différentielle du mode d'alimentation?. Enfance50(1), 47-61.

Minic, J., Persuy, M. A., Godel, E., Aioun, J., Connerton, I., Salesse, R., & Pajot‐Augy, E. (2005). Functional expression of olfactory receptors in yeast and development of a bioassay for odorant screening. The FEBS journal272(2), 524-537.

Muller, C. (2020). Les Chants de Maldoror, an olfactory reading. Cahiers Lautréamont2020(2), 93-122.

Rinck, F. (2018). Fanny Rinck. La part langagière de l’expertise olfactive. Rémi Digonnet. Pour une linguistique sensorielle, Honoré Champion, pp.169-190, 2018, 9782745347282. ⟨hal-01880771⟩. In Honoré Champion (Éd.), Pour une linguistique sensorielle (p. 169‑190). Honoré Champion éditeur.

Rouby, C., & Sicard, G. (1997). Chapitre 3. Des catégories d’odeurs ? In Catégorisation et cognition : De la perception au discours (p. 59‑81). Éditions Kimé;

Salesse, R., & Gervais, R. (2012). Odorat et goût : De la neurobiologie des sens chimiques aux applications.

Salesse, R., & Gervais, R. (2012). Odorat et goût.

Schaal, B., Montagner, H., Hertling, E., Bolzoni, D., Moyse, A., & Quichon, R. (1980). Les stimulations olfactives dans les relations entre l'enfant et la mère. Reproduction Nutrition Développement20(3B), 843-858.

Schnedecker, C. (2011). Quand la sémantique se met au parfum. Langages181(1), 89‑107.

Sulmont-Rossé, C., & Urdapilleta, I. (2012). Chapitre 28 : De la mise en mots des odeurs. In Odorat et goût : De la neurobiologie des sens chimiques aux applications.

Tamba, I. (2011). Odeurs, exclamation et haut degré. Langages181(1), 127‑143.

Theissen, A. (2011). Sentir : Les constructions prédicatives de l’olfaction. Langages181(1), 109‑125.

Trotier, D., Bensimon, J. L., Herman, P., Tran Ba Huy, P., Døving, K. B., & Eloit, C. (2007). Inflammatory obstruction of the olfactory clefts and olfactory loss in humans: a new syndrome?. Chemical senses32(3), 285-292.

Vassiliadou, H., & Lammert, M. (2011). Odeurs et dimension hédonique à travers le prisme des adjectifs. Langages181(1), 73‑88.

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